Welcome to the Church of the Cross website and we encourage you to go from web to worshiping with us in person on Sunday Mornings at 9:30 am for the Traditional Service or The Encounter Worship Service at 12:00 pm.
We have a favorite saying here, “Welcome to Church of the Cross: it’s not our church its GOD’S church.” We are a group of believers who wish to follow God’s mission for us individually and as a Christian community. We do this through our relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord, that relationship being nurtured through prayer, word, worship and service together.
All are welcome to seek God’s grace, mercy, forgiveness and living presence at Church of the Cross. Come and see how the one true living Christ can renew your life, the life of your family, and heal the wounds we all get from life’s struggles.
2025 can be the year we reclaim our homes from worldly influences and make them refuges of faith.
Joshua 24:14-24 “As for me and my house we will serve the Lord…” In the final chapter of the Old Testament book carrying his name, Joshua presents Israel with a choice to reaffirm their covenant with God or continue to slip into the pagan ways of the yet to be conquered Canaanites. He does this after speaking to them about who their God is and His faithfulness to them from the inception of the nation of Israel.
Every day each household of a believer must reflect and make that same choice… Whom do we serve, does our home and our priorities reflect a love of God or a love of the ways of the world? Please read Matthew 7: 21-28.
Sooo, where is this rock? The unshakable foundation is a believer’s relationship with God, through the power of the Gospel works of Jesus the Christ. Like all relationships there is an obligation to actively and purposefully be engaged in it. In our homes what we choose to spend our time on must firstly include that which feeds our reborn spirits lest they become emaciated. As a family we should have a time of worshipful study of God’s word. It is essential for the spiritual growth of both parents and children to join together in combined prayer and private prayer with the one true living God.
Please read 1 Corinthians 1:6-12.
I am sure that almost all parents want their children to prosper, in all ways: in physical and mental health, in knowledge, in understanding and more so in the application of all these by being WISE. All this is available for those believe in Christ as Lordsavior and seek His ways. John 8: 31.
Pastor Tom