

Our Mission Statement

The mission of the Global Methodist Church of the Cross is to make disciples of Jesus Christ who Worship Passionately, Love extravagantly, and Witness boldly.



2025 can be the year we reclaim our homes from worldly influences and make them refuges of faith.

       Joshua 24:14-24 “As for me and my house we will serve the Lord…” In the final chapter of the Old Testament book carrying his name, Joshua presents Israel with a choice to reaffirm their covenant with God or continue to slip into the pagan ways of the yet to be conquered Canaanites. He does this after speaking to them about who their God is and His faithfulness to them from the inception of the nation of Israel.

          Every day each household of a believer must reflect and make that same choice… Whom do we serve, does our home and our priorities reflect a love of God or a love of the ways of the world?  Please read Matthew 7: 21-28.

       Sooo, where is this rock?  The unshakable foundation is a believer’s relationship with God, through the power of the Gospel works of Jesus the Christ.  Like all relationships there is an obligation to actively and purposefully be engaged in it.  In our homes what we choose to spend our time on must firstly include that which feeds our reborn spirits lest they become emaciated.  As a family we should have a time of worshipful study of God’s word. It is essential for the spiritual growth of both parents and children to join together in combined prayer and private prayer with the one true living God.

Please read 1 Corinthians 1:6-12.

       I am sure that almost all parents want their children to prosper, in all ways: in physical and mental health, in knowledge, in understanding and more so in the application of all these by being WISE.  All this is available for those believe in Christ as Lordsavior and seek His ways.  John 8: 31.

Pastor Tom 


Sunday worship services, 9:30 &12:00

Upcoming Messages and Scriptures

 January 12th “In My Father’s House” Luke 2:41-51

January 19th “Sent Out”   Mark 6:7b -13

January 26th “Commands of Christ or Tradition”

Mark 7: 1-9

Sermon series for February –>The Means of Grace”

Midweek Worship, Wednesdays at 6:30

The Midweek Worship will be praising our way through the book of Romans.


  Liturgists                 Children’s Chat

January 5      Derek Gulling             Kathy Clark

January 12    Derek Gulling             Kathy Clark

January 19    Beverly Pethtel          Pastor Tom

January 26    Beverly Pethtel          Pastor Tom

Upcoming events and meetings  

 January 9th, 12:00 Women’s luncheon at Murrays

January 9th, 6:00 Administrative Board Meeting

January 9th, 7:00 Missionary Committee meeting

January 16 Trustee’s meeting

January 19th Pot Luck Church Dinner at 1:00  

Gem Girls Valentines Dinner Fundraiser

       The Gem Girls will be holding a Valentine Dinner February 8th to raise funds for actives this year.  Jen Eddy will be leading a kitchen team making a Manicotti Dinner and the girls will be waiting tables and taking pictures photo stand.  New this year is larger tables on request so groups of friends can come eat together plus a “Gal~entine” table at 3:00 for single dinners to come eat with other gal pals from the church. Cost is donations only. Times are 3:00, 4:30 and 6:00. See the bulletin board at church or call Sue at 740-632-6674 to schedule a time and let us know how many will be in your party. We have tables for 2, tables for 4 and tables for up to 8. Thank You 


January 4        George Knapp

January 7        Gianna Tessler

January 7        Nancy Williamson

January 12      Janet Bendle

January 13      Annie Rogers

January 13      Robert F. Williamson

January 19      Laura Work

January 21      Janet Morrison

January 21      Roger Davis

January 21      Richard Davis

January 26      Branlin Wilson

January 27      Jessica Streblo

January 28      Terry Freas

January 29      Edwinna Burch

_Well, here it is – another News Year!!  Hard to believe it has been 25 years since we were worried aboutY2K!

The younger generation doesn’t even know what that means and that makes me feel really old – but then again, I’m not young!

Amazing how we think it is a New Year and we can plan to make changes in our lives and some even make lists, but God tells us each new day is new beginning! We really don’t need a new year to make changes, we can do that any time. 

I want to thank the choir and all who helped with our Cantata. They say it takes a village to raise a child, but it also takes a church family to make our efforts a success. As we look back, we can see so many things that our church has done to help others and to keep and maintain our building and surroundings in the past year and years. Who would have imagined what our future held when that little brick church burned so many years ago.  It was not the end, but a new beginning.  God has been faithful – it is amazing what He can do with a handful of committed Christians.  He is still in the Miracle business if take the time to look around us. 

Moms’ Tidbit:  It’s good to remember, but don’t spend all of your time looking back, you’re not going that way!

Until Then ~ Edwinna

Our Mission

The mission of the Global Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ who Worship Passionately, Love extravagantly, and Witness boldly.        

Church of the Cross

PO Box 6   East Springfield, OH 43925

Worship Service 9:30 am

Noon Encounter worship Service 12:00

Pastor: Tom Snodgrass

Office hours: Monday – Thursday    8:30 am – 3:30 pm

Church phone 740-543-3282               Pastor’s phone 740-543-8306

[email protected]


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