Well, here it is – another News Year!! Hard to believe it has been 25 years since we were worried about Y2K!
The younger generation doesn’t even know what that means and that makes me feel really old – but then again, I’m not young!
Amazing how we think it is a New Year and we can plan to make changes in our lives and some even make lists, but God tells us each new day is new beginning! We really don’t need a new year to make changes, we can do that any time.
I want to thank the choir and all who helped with our Cantata. They say it takes a village to raise a child, but it also takes a church family to make our efforts a success. As we look back, we can see so many things that our church has done to help others and to keep and maintain our building and surroundings in the past year and years. Who would have imagined what our future held when that little brick church burned so many years ago. It was not the end, but a new beginning. God has been faithful – it is amazing what He can do with a handful of committed Christians. He is still in the Miracle business if take the time to look around us.
Moms’ Tidbit: It’s good to remember, but don’t spend all of your time looking back, you’re not going that way!
Until Then ~ Edwinna