Choir Notes

March – the Windy month!  Did you ever think about how much we look to nature to predict the weather? Look at the coat of a caterpillar to see what kind of a winter we will have.  We can’t wait to see if the groundhog sees his shadow or not. If March comes in like a lion, it will go out like a lamb and vice versa. There is even a scripture that refers to nature – red skies at night, sailor’s delight; red skies at morning, sailors take warning. 

It’s funny how we complain about things we cannot do a thing about, It’s too cold, too hot, too wet, too dry. God must look at us at times and shake His head. When will we realize that He has it all under control, so we need to learn to relax, enjoy the moment, knowing that things can change in an instant. Funny how many things we know, but find it hard to put into practice.

When we finally get to March, we start to think if spring. We look for the robins, the crocuses, (one of the first flowers to pop their little heads up from the cold ground), the birth of lambs and calves, longer daylight, and more sunshine. 

The next big event on the Church Calendar is EASTER!  Lent is coming and we begin our preparation for the biggest event in history – the Resurrection of Jesus! It renews our hope and faith in a life everlasting, not the end, just the beginning – kind of like spring forever more!

Mom’s Tidbit:  When it God’s way, it is OK!

Until Then ~ Edwinna